Glen Oroua School is a full primary school for students from years 0-8. Established in 1903, the school is situated in rural Manawatu at the southern end of Sansons Road, Glen Oroua. We are serviced by a Ministry of Education funded school bus and are a part of the Te Kawau cluster of schools.
We currently have 73 students on our roll, across four classes.
Our facilities include:
4 classrooms, with a break-out/technology area adjoining the senior room and breakout room off the junior room.
An extensive library.
A swimming pool, which is also available for after-hours community use during summer.
2 purpose built playgrounds, a sandpit with mud kitchen, carpentry area, and a fort with a flying fox.
Extensive grounds, including a native area with a boardwalk and outdoor classroom area, playing fields, and a hedge in which the students love to play.
A vegetable garden available for each classroom.
1:1 Digital devices in all classrooms, including iPads and chromebooks, which are integrated into the curriculum.
Teaching time is from 9-11 am with a short "brain food" break at around 10 am, 11.20 am-1.00 pm, and 1.55-3 pm in the afternoon.
Hui a Kura (school assemblies) are held on Fridays usually three times a term from 2.15 pm, with classes presenting some of their work, songs and plays. Notice of these is in the fortnightly school newsletter. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.
You can also find us on Facebook.